About me

I want to share my wonder with you, because I truly believe that wonder will save the world.

Hello, thank you for visiting my portfolio webside. My name is Doortje Schoonbrood. I have a passion for animation, storytelling, music, nature, and art. In the future, I hope to work on big productions and personal projects. I grew up in a fantastic environment in the south of the Netherlands. Here, I learned to look at the world with wonderment. Every animal and every plant is important. If we looked at the world with more wonder, I believe we would appreciate it a lot more. With ‘story’ we can make a change!

Feel free to contact me.

E-mail: info@doortjeschoonbrood.nl
Phone Number: (+31 )06 10 21 12 23
Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/doortje-schoonbrood
Instagram: @_dotje18_